47 items

Research and Development for the British Space Programme

11 items

Full Pressure Suit Symposium Papers

Instructions on how to fit and use a pressure breathing mask and waistcoat to be read in conjunction with R.A.E Instruction Leaflet M.E.2 and A.P.1275A Volume 1, Section 8, Chapter 17 [not in file].

Notes on the Use and Fitting of Pressure Breathing Equipment

20 items

Materials on Space Exploration

13 items

Papers on Space Travel

1 item

Report entitled 'Survival Medicine'

17 items

Other Papers and Reports

33 items

Materials on Oxygen Systems and Equipment

A paper discussing the mechanical stresses which may occur in space flight and the possible physiological response to them with illustrative graphs.

The Physiological Effects of Transient Mechanical Forces

A paper on the requirements for the prevention of anoxia, or oxygen loss, as a result of reduced barometric pressure. Includes illustrative graphs.

Physiological Requirements for Protection Against Anoxia in an Emergency Full Pressure Suit

A paper on the requirements for the prevention of decompression sickness in airmen as a result of rapid atmospheric pressure change. Includes illustrative graphs.

Physiological Requirements for Protection Against Atmospheric Pressure Changes

12 items

Papers and Publications on Oxygen Regulation and Supply

18 items

Manuals and Instruction Leaflets on Oxygen Regulation and Supply

A paper discussing the human ability to control a spacecraft over an extended period of time using long range maritime reconnaisaance flights as a test basis.

Impairment of Human Performance in Control

A paper on the principles and testing of an air ventilated suit A.V.S Type 3, with illustrative tables and design drawings of the suit with measurements.

An Air Ventilated Suit for Convective Cooling

A paper on the testing of a prototype air ventilated suit, A.V.S Type 5, with illustrative tables and cross section drawings of the suit. Also contains a copy of an article titled 'Flight Safety Play it Cool' by Flight Lieutenant J. Billingham reprinted from Air Clues, April 1963.

A Design for an Air Ventilated Suit

A paper discussing the mechanical stresses which may occur in space flight and the possible physiological response to them with illustrative graphs.

The Physiological Effects of Transient Mechanical Forces

1 item

Envelope containing a magnetic tape

1 item

Report entitled 'Victor Rear Crew Pressure Suit Escape Trails - Centrifuge'

1 item

Report entitled 'Second Interim Report on Flight Deck Work Loads in Civil Air Transport Aircraft'

Notebook of notes on various medical subjects

Notebook of notes on various medical subjects

1 item

Report entitled 'Exercise Hermes - Human Factors in the Design and Development of a Combined Air Defence System'

1 folder

Folder of material relating to drinking sea water

Set of photographs showing rafts, boots and shelters

Set of photographs showing rafts, boots and shelters

1 item

Report entitled 'A Preliminary Study of Flight Dec Work Loads in Civil Air Transport Aircraft'

1 item

Report entitled ' Maps and Metabolism'

Copy of 'Skylab News'

Copy of 'Skylab News'

14 items

Symposium Papers

10 items

Symposium on Space Medicine Papers

A paper discussing the human ability to control a spacecraft over an extended period of time using long range maritime reconnaisaance flights as a test basis.

Impairment of Human Performance in Control

A paper discussing the human ability to control a spacecraft over an extended period of time using long range maritime reconnaisaance flights as a test basis.

Impairment of Human Performance in Control

A paper on the thermoregulatory conditions required for human comfort and how heat is distributed throughout the body.

The Physiological Requirements for Environmental Comfort in terms of the Micro-climate

Instructions on how to fit and use a pressure breathing mask and waistcoat to be read in conjunction with R.A.E Instruction Leaflet M.E.2 and A.P.1275A Volume 1, Section 8, Chapter 17 [not in file].

Notes on the Use and Fitting of Pressure Breathing Equipment

43 items

Research and Development for a Full Pressure Suit

A paper discussing the human ability to control a spacecraft over an extended period of time using long range maritime reconnaisaance flights as a test basis.

Impairment of Human Performance in Control